I bought a used Whitfield pellet stove on craigslist. It has had problems from the start, one of the main ones being that I know nothing about pellet stoves! It burned real hot at first and would not respond to changes in the settings. So I got on to Uncle Google and found out many things. First, I found a youtube video that shows how to determine the model by getting the serial number. I followed all this and discovered I have a Freestanding Model Advantage II-T C FS. I downloaded the manual and thought, hooray I have found the problem. I found this note at the bottom of the page for installing the wall thermostat - NOTE: If the jumper wire is missing, and you do not have a thermostat installed, your stove will operate on Heat Output position # 1 all the time and at all settings.
Aha! says I, it is probably missing that damn jumper cable (as I do not have a wall thermostat). So I went to look at the back of the stove, and the diagram that shows the connection at the back of this stove looks nothing like what is at the back of my stove (basically a wire into the stove, no outlet for plug or thermostat). So, I ask myself, and everyone out there, does this model Whitfield stove have to have a thermostat connection or not?
Meanwhile, the stove now lights fine, but the auger stops feeding after about 45 mins or so. Based on what I have read I have ordered the low limit switch replacement and I intend to try and replace it myself. I'm going by www.butkus.org instructions. Unless someone out there knows some place on the net (or elsewhere) where there are more detailed instructions? Looks like I'll be back to this forum many times for the help of all you good ole timers with your whitfields. Many thanks in advance.
Aha! says I, it is probably missing that damn jumper cable (as I do not have a wall thermostat). So I went to look at the back of the stove, and the diagram that shows the connection at the back of this stove looks nothing like what is at the back of my stove (basically a wire into the stove, no outlet for plug or thermostat). So, I ask myself, and everyone out there, does this model Whitfield stove have to have a thermostat connection or not?
Meanwhile, the stove now lights fine, but the auger stops feeding after about 45 mins or so. Based on what I have read I have ordered the low limit switch replacement and I intend to try and replace it myself. I'm going by www.butkus.org instructions. Unless someone out there knows some place on the net (or elsewhere) where there are more detailed instructions? Looks like I'll be back to this forum many times for the help of all you good ole timers with your whitfields. Many thanks in advance.