Got my TimberTuff electric chain sharpener set up this morning. Unfortunatly I only had 1 chain that kinda sorta needed attention. It was still throwin chips just fine but had seen about 3 tailgate tuneups and was due for a grinder. Ran it through the ES and was humbled as I always thought I was pretty good with a file and guide. Normally I will go so long and then take the chains in to have a guy in the biz do them and now that he is going out of bizness I needed my own sharpener. It is also going to save abunch of money at work and make some beer money as well I'm thinkin. As a landscaper I almost daily have to remove trees and shrubs all the while leaving a small footprint on peoples lawns. That means removing stumps by hand with sharpened spades or log chains streched out to the closest pavement or the old stihl .025. I have a toolbox that goes with me on any grubout job with a saw. It has any tools I may need and 20, yes 20 chains for that old saw. I can easily go thru 5 chains on 1 stump since they mainly cut roots, rocks and telephone lines. I useta take then to get sharpened to my guy and pay for it. Now I can do it myself and pocket some beer money.