Okay how hard is it to replace the tailgate handle on My Ranger?

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Feeling the Heat
Hearth Supporter
Sep 23, 2008
I believe its a 1999.. only had it about a year.. keep vehicles in garage.
Only prob opened the tailgate couple of times. It seemed stiff and hard. at least for me being a weakling, skinny SC me......
well skinny me had to lift all those drywall buckes of comost over the sides of the pickup.. I cursed that yall can bet... Plus I cant sweep out the residue properly on those ribs of the pickup bedliner.
was we supp to have oiled it? We havent owned at pickup since some creepo teenager ran int Hubby and total his only new vehicle a 1973 pickup I believed back in late 1980s.
well anyway Hubby is looking at it now
Saw some on Ebay...
Is the aftermarket one okay or should get the OEM genuine replacemen handle?
opinions knowlegeable guys and gals please
thank yall
Before replacing I would spray the heck out of it with silicone. Spray under, in the sides, everywhere the handle moves and then have hubby open up the tailgate and spray the latch assemblies too. Work it multiple times and see if it doesn't loosen up.
Before replacing I would spray the heck out of it with silicone. Spray under, in the sides, everywhere the handle moves and then have hubby open up the tailgate and spray the latch assemblies too. Work it multiple times and see if it doesn't loosen up.
YEAH BUT ONE SIDE OF the plastic broke off. I FORGOT to mention that one side BROKE...
SO is it better to order the OEM one or is aftermarket ONE OKAY ???
thoughts yall
thank yall
Aftermarket is probably fine. Spray the innards with silicone before buttoning things up.
I believe its a 1999.. only had it about a year.. keep vehicles in garage.
Only prob opened the tailgate couple of times. It seemed stiff and hard. at least for me being a weakling, skinny SC me......
well skinny me had to lift all those drywall buckes of comost over the sides of the pickup.. I cursed that yall can bet... Plus I cant sweep out the residue properly on those ribs of the pickup bedliner.
was we supp to have oiled it? We havent owned at pickup since some creepo teenager ran int Hubby and total his only new vehicle a 1973 pickup I believed back in late 1980s.
well anyway Hubby is looking at it now
Saw some on Ebay...
Is the aftermarket one okay or should get the OEM genuine replacemen handle?
opinions knowlegeable guys and gals please
thank yall

It's not very difficult. I replaced mine on a 2002. I discovered that pushing against the tailgate before pulling the handle/lever made the mechanism release easier without putting strain on the plastic handle.
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