When I install my new boiler after this heating season I want to do some minor modifications to my Storage piping. I plan on removing my 4-way mixing valve and plumbing the piping so that the bottom of the storage is plumbed to the bottom of my buffer tank and the Top of storage to the top of the buffer tank. I will also plumb in another circ that is opposite to the existing one.. ( if you click on the link for my public display you can view a page on how my storage is plumbed).
Just wondering if anyone else has opposed circs on their storage piping or if anyone can tell me if I will run into any issues doing it this way or if the circs should be a certain distance apart etc.. I will be removing the checks out of each circ.
Just wondering if anyone else has opposed circs on their storage piping or if anyone can tell me if I will run into any issues doing it this way or if the circs should be a certain distance apart etc.. I will be removing the checks out of each circ.