Hello All,
First off let me start out by saying I am so happy to have found this site. It has really assisted me in figuring our what is wrong with our pellet stoves, as me and my parents have the same model, QuadraFire Classic Bay 1200 free standing. This is my first time posting anything. I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with the pellets actually falling done into the auger hole. It is not a major problem, but more of a nuisance. What I am talking about is that the hopper can have more than enough pellets, but a hole will form in the center to where you can see the auger opening and the rest of the pellets stay piled up along the sides of the hopper wall. I have never gotten a full nights sleep since I have had the pellet stove as I am always worried about this happening and having to check on it several times a night having to push the pellets down with my hand and piling them in the center to ensure that they fall into the auger opening. I have searched this issue and others seem to experience the same and have offered suggestions. I did try the wiping the hopper box down with wax paper which seemed to only work effectively for one or two nights. Our stove burns constantly as we are trying not to have to use the furnace to save on propane. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a picture I just took right now showing kind of what happens, but these is with the pellet stove with very little pellets, it looks the same way when it is full and the hole forms.
Johnny G.
First off let me start out by saying I am so happy to have found this site. It has really assisted me in figuring our what is wrong with our pellet stoves, as me and my parents have the same model, QuadraFire Classic Bay 1200 free standing. This is my first time posting anything. I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with the pellets actually falling done into the auger hole. It is not a major problem, but more of a nuisance. What I am talking about is that the hopper can have more than enough pellets, but a hole will form in the center to where you can see the auger opening and the rest of the pellets stay piled up along the sides of the hopper wall. I have never gotten a full nights sleep since I have had the pellet stove as I am always worried about this happening and having to check on it several times a night having to push the pellets down with my hand and piling them in the center to ensure that they fall into the auger opening. I have searched this issue and others seem to experience the same and have offered suggestions. I did try the wiping the hopper box down with wax paper which seemed to only work effectively for one or two nights. Our stove burns constantly as we are trying not to have to use the furnace to save on propane. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a picture I just took right now showing kind of what happens, but these is with the pellet stove with very little pellets, it looks the same way when it is full and the hole forms.
Johnny G.