So I see lots of threads here with this and that wrong.Mostly with old stoves. Now I'm a newb and still ever I tend to notice patterns. Like for Instance my first used stove I bought was a EF3 inviro noting but daughters car we just got rid of. A 2003 accord with noting but problems the final straw was burning a court of oil every 100 miles two garages wanted $2800 plus for rings. I was fed up and traded it In for a 2008 Malibu with 34 k and got the extended warranty.So this leads me to believe that stove are the same. True you can get a lemon with a stove or car.After being with out my stove because of the tech Ordering a new snap discs taking 3 weeks(yea right he waited for more calls in my area)on a used stove from 1994 I had enough and saved for my p35i harman.I do understand there's new stoves with same problems but you have the warranty .So people with old stoves with constant problems maybe it's time to trade in And get a new one just a thought .Ps this forum is amazing i have learned so much and keep learning.