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Kansas City
Hi everyone! This is my first pellet stove. I have had it for almost a month now. Sorry if this is a little wordy, I am trying to answer questions I imagine people might ask. Ok, if you know this stove, it has a Comfort setting on the dial that turns it off when the desired temperature is reached in the room. Maybe they all have all have something like this, I don't know. Mine, however, keeps on heating when it is past the estimated temperature(I have it set on Comfort Low, which is approximately the low 60's. I do not have it on the Low setting which would keep it running on Low until the pellets are gone.) Since the operations manual is spotty on things and I was on hold for a long time when I called Pelpro, I went online and found this forum. Based on a thread I read here last week, I learned about the ambient probe and took it out of the heater and placed it higher and further away where it would sense the heat in the room better. Well today I wanted to see what would happen so I let continue as the temperature went into the 70's. 2 hours later it was still dropping pellets, hot air coming from the exhaust outside, room temperature into the 90's. I have seen a lot of troubleshooting with pellet stoves but not this particular issue very much. Argh. Per this forum I also checked to see if the probe might not be connected to the circuit board. It was a rougher installation, up a gravel driveway thru snow and around corners with some bumps. It appears that the probe is indeed connected to the circuit board. I have read the instructions and I have spent a lot of time searching the internet before I came here. I have burned about 8 bags of pellets so far in it-not many but I still don't trust it completely. The kicker: a friend of mine in another state who bought same exact model from Tractor Supply a few months ago says this is happening to hers-although with hers, it does turn off sometimes. Mine has not yet. I assume this has happened to people before here-even with other brands, and people might know what is going on. I have had some auger jams on the Tractor Supply white bag/blue writing bags but it seems to work again when I turn it on. Everything else seems to be ok. Any help would be appreciated by both of us. Thank you.