I have an older model Profile 20-no ash cleanouts behind the fire brick and has photo eye located under the hopper.... Here is the deal. Stove has been cleaned thoroughly (even checked some areas per this web site) Stove will start up with no issues. Once it changes from the initial start up phase to its' regular fan and feed setting, it will burnout and go into fault mode (green blinking light) -THIS ONLY HAPPENS ON THE LOW SETTING. The stove will run fine with no issues on both medium and high. I believe the stove is approx. 10 years old. It's done this on and off since I own it. I can say for certainty that the door gasket has never been changed, however, I did check it using the "paper strip" method and it seems ok. (I will be changing it regardless) The photo eye is clean and the motors have been removed and the fans cleaned etc..... Just looking for another possible cause. Thanks.