Checking through Google, I saw that there have been a few old threads about this with no clear answer. I just want to tell you that it can be done. I have my QF Castille hooked up to a Honeywell WiFi thermostat and it's been working very well for over five years. I had to get a transformer for the power lines to the thermostat and run a wire to the transformer, but it really wasn't that much trouble. Before I got the WiFi thermostat, I had a programmable one that I powered with the back up battery. The battery lasted for years before it needed to be changed. If you can find a WiFi thermostat with a battery backup, this is a piece of cake to do.
I used the standard wiring for power wires and for the wires to the stove. I just want to let you all know that this can be done, and it's been working fine for a long time.
I used the standard wiring for power wires and for the wires to the stove. I just want to let you all know that this can be done, and it's been working fine for a long time.