OK: Brand new Quadrafire 1200 insert. Have been working days to get it installed. Had everything hooked up and ready to go. Slid it into place. Put pellets in the hopper. Plugged it in like the instructions said. The control box flashed BLUE with a steady RED light but NO BLOWER. The BLUE continued to flash and then the ORANGE light started flashing 3 times. No red light. No blower, auger, nothing. Opened up the auger motor and pushed the reset on the snapdisk 3 and felt no reset click. All wires are connected and tight. Jumping the thermostat connections did nothing. Except for the ORANGE flashing light, I have a large, nice-looking boat anchor. Any ideas?? Frustrating, to say the least. And cold weather is coming......... Oh: fuse is fine. It is getting power or the control box wouldn't light up..... GRRRrrrr....
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