This past fall I purchased four ton of Rocky Mtns from our local TSC. I had been begging for them to get Lignetics back in like last year but settled for the Rockies with no other choices. Big box store is carrying Eureka for 5.99 a bag or could turn to Marth pellets so no thanks to either. Today I find that TSC now has Lignetics(softwood) in stock for (214.00) a ton and oh what a difference in not only heat production but just how the stove handles this pellet. I'm not totally unhappy with the Rocky performance but it doesn't compare to Lignetics. Long story short, I'm a true pellet pig for sure and guys, even women can carry this title without any effort. Winter supply is four ton Rockies and 1-1/2 ton of lignetics. Should make it through these long ND winters. Happy burn'n to all.