Since I've got my boiler up and running in the garage I'm already thinking about next year's plans of plumbing the house to it as well. My first order of business is building my side arm for my DHW. I have more then enough provisions to build a nice sidearm but I have some questions first.
I'm going to use a stainless steel outer sleeve and either stainless or copper inner tubes. The stainless inner tubes would be easier for me to build but the copper will transfer heat better. My question is what solder/flux do I use to hold the copper tubes to the stainless? I know it will have to be potable water safe solder and that's what makes me a little nervous if I use the wrong stuff. I'm assuming 100% silver? Also The smallest copper tubes I have available to me is only have 5/8" though.
I was thinking if I went with stainless inner tubes I have 3/16" through 5/8" stainless tubes available to me. I could use a bunch of smaller tubes to increase suface area and just TIG weld everything together which like I said would be easier for me.
What way would be better? Copper inner tubing or alot of stainless inner tubes? If copper, what solder/flux should be used?
Thanks for any and all advice.
I'm going to use a stainless steel outer sleeve and either stainless or copper inner tubes. The stainless inner tubes would be easier for me to build but the copper will transfer heat better. My question is what solder/flux do I use to hold the copper tubes to the stainless? I know it will have to be potable water safe solder and that's what makes me a little nervous if I use the wrong stuff. I'm assuming 100% silver? Also The smallest copper tubes I have available to me is only have 5/8" though.
I was thinking if I went with stainless inner tubes I have 3/16" through 5/8" stainless tubes available to me. I could use a bunch of smaller tubes to increase suface area and just TIG weld everything together which like I said would be easier for me.
What way would be better? Copper inner tubing or alot of stainless inner tubes? If copper, what solder/flux should be used?
Thanks for any and all advice.