My buddy's brother was selling his snowblower since he was moving and no longer needed it. He said whenever it would get hot (let's say 15 minutes of so) it would die and once cool it would start. I haven't looked into it too much yet, but have a question about it. It's a 27 inch craftsman 8.5 hp snowblower. Whenever I go to start it, it hisses quite a bit. It's something that I haven't heard from an engine before. I first though possibly a coil causing the starting problem once hot, but seems to have low compression when pulling. That's leads me to think the valves are out of adjustement or could the head gasket be blown? It starts right up, but that hissing... Thoughts, ideas?? I only paid a hundred for the blower and it's maybe 4 or 5 years old and looks new.