I think I know the answer to this question, but I'm going to ask it anyhow. I live on the east coast, I have only burnt hardwood pellets, seems to be about all we can get here in PA.. But got my hands on a few bags of Blazers to try. They are definitely softwood pellets, you can tell by there feel and sound when falling into bucket when cleaning. They say on bag from Oregon. They are darker in color then the Hamer's and or Somerset's. They seem to break into, rather easily to. Well anyhow, my question is; do you normally use less air to burn them, do to being a soft pellet. It seems to me, with hard pellets, they burn a little better with more air flow to them. With my stove, you can't control/fine tune the flow of pellets, that's set by heat levels within the stove. But I do have a draft control, where I can open to give your fire/pellets more air. Would it be the opposite with softwood pellets, and you give it less air. Just asking a questions, not use to softies.