Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.
We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.
We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
I have a englander 25 and i shut it off to clean it out/ Turned it back on it stayed on for about half hour and then went out, now i cant get it to stay lit.
Tonight i filled the hopper with pellets and awhile later noticed no pellets were coming in,and the fire died out. I put a broom handle down into the hopper and wiggled it around and the pellets started coming out again, but wouldnt light back up. So i shut it down. Once it completed shut down, i restarted it, it worked for a bit and then the fire went back out but pellets were still being fed
Awesome, we are glad to hear you are satisfied with our wreaths. It is a;ways great to hear.
no same pellets, and i have had it running since last week, when i gave it a good cleaning. Besides today when i shut it down to vacuum and clean the glass.
Have you unplugged the stove and double checked all the connections to everything? (auger motors,vac switches?) I'm not sure how in depth your cleanings are...if that included removing the rear cover for cleaning.
Also, does your stove have a vac switch that is connected to the firebox that stops the upper auger from turning when the door is opened?
no the auger still turns when the door is open. when i cleaned it i vacummed dust from the rear. I wil lrecheck all the connections back there to see if there all tight.
I wiggled all the connections making sure they were tight, i cleaned out the t and banged on the piping outside to clean out what i oculd. Turned it back o nand its on for now, we shall see.