Stove settings advice - Ravelli Dual 7

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New Member
Apr 7, 2023
New Zealand
Hey everyone!

I have a Ravelli Dual 7 which is approx 5 months old. We are having a lot of problems with the auger becoming blocked at the top (at the area where the pellets will fall down the chute into the firebox).
The pellets seems to get ground into coarse powder (photos attached) which then causes the auger to become blocked and unable to rotate.
Other things I've noticed which may be helpful:
  • The glass is black almost constantly. The black stuff wipes off easily.
  • The flames go to the top of the firebox, and I'd describe them as 'lazy' in appearance.
  • The stove doesn't seem to output as much heat as I'd expect.
  • I have tried 5 different brands of pellets. There is no noticeable difference between brands.
  • The remote for this stove has a menu option of 'Set Air-Pellet' which then allows pellet and flow settings (but I do not know what these mean)
Can I please have some help from this community around how to sort this stove? The supplier is not being helpful and before I go down the legal route, I'd like to explore sorting it myself.

Thanks in advance :)


New Zealand
[] Stove settings advice - Ravelli Dual 7
[] Stove settings advice - Ravelli Dual 7
[] Stove settings advice - Ravelli Dual 7
[] Stove settings advice - Ravelli Dual 7
[] Stove settings advice - Ravelli Dual 7
That material does not look like wood pellets more like wood chips
Lazy flame is lack of air to the fire or a dirty stove (ash) blockage)

[] Stove settings advice - Ravelli Dual 7
Thanks John,

I should have included a photo of the pellets - they look the same as in your photo when loading the hopper.

So it sounds like I need to give my stove a thorough cleaning. Any advice or do's & don'ts around this?
Any chance where I could buy / download a detailed 'workshop manual' type document for this stove?

That material does not look like wood pellets more like wood chips
Lazy flame is lack of air to the fire or a dirty stove (ash) blockage)

View attachment 313785
I am not really well versed in your stove
In general: Do you have an OAK installed (outside air kit)
Is your home a newer air-tight unit?
Try opening a window slightly while the stove is running
to see if the flame charities change.
Do you have an OAK installed (outside air kit) No
Is your home a newer air-tight unit? Relatively new, yes
Try opening a window slightly while the stove is running
to see if the flame charities change

I am not really well versed in your stove
In general: Do you have an OAK installed (outside air kit)
Is your home a newer air-tight unit?
Try opening a window slightly while the stove is running
to see if the flame charities change.
The stove has either a restricted exhaust pipe, or a restricted intake air pipe. The intake air pipe (back of stove) should be open, if you do not have an outside air pipe connected to it. You need to fix this first, the stove does not have enough combustion air. When the pellets don't burn fast enough (because there is not enough air), the pellets fill-up the burnpot, and then the drop tube gets backed-up with even more pellets, causing the auger to grind up the pellets into flakes. This needs to be fixed quick, as continuing to use the stove as-is can cause a hopper-fire, if the flame burns up through the drop-tube, and down the auger tube (because they are filled with fuel), into the pellet bin (hopper).

Can you post a picture of the back of the stove, showing how the pipe (s) are connected? What is the total length of the exhaust pipe, how many 45 or 90 bends, and what is the diameter of the pipe?

The "Set Air-Pellet" is for fine-tuning the fuel-to-air ratio....your stove is burning way off the proper ratio.

Who installed this stove?
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