Any thoughts on cleaning hx on Tarm Solo 40 ..manual says every two weeks or so..other threads have said after flue temps start rising over 600 with boiler operating normally in all other respects....I have been running for about a month and have now cleaned twice....just had to see what the hx tubes were looking like they seemed good to me ...just fly ash ..I hope to post pictures before and after and wonder if anyone can comment on it better to just clean every two weeks....or wait until flue temps rise beyond normal 400-600..well above 600....Also can anyone comment on the secondary air adjustments...manual has drawings but they are not very good...what should gasification flame look like, as to length.....or is it just go by the white blue color of the flame in the lower chamber...if I have flame dragons ...does that mean it needs adjusting to shorten the length of the flame showing in the lower channel? Any help appreciated... hope these pictures work....