Tarm Solo 30 emissions

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New Member
Hearth Supporter
Mar 27, 2008
central Oregon
Have a Tarm Solo 30 installed. Trying to get spec sheet on the emissions so as to get a $300 credit from State of Oregon.

Need grams per hour, and it needs to be 4.5 or below


Moved to the boiler room, as more likely to have relevant experts there...

The only possible way to get this is from Tarm themselves, and you might have a tough time because the state is probably talking about EPA certs...which do not apply to central heaters. These are tested heavily in Europe and Scandinavia and I remember a test as low as ONE gram per hours back when I imported them.

So your only real chance is to talk to the importer and see if they have data from across the pond or if they independently tested over here.
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