Pulling this subject from another thread:
Here's the challenge, folks. I encourage you to take it:
Find a "news" source that is as opposite to your preferred consumption, within the same media type, as possible. Continue watching your CNN, but now split your time equally with Fox or OAN, or vice versa. Keep reading your Epoch Times, but add AlterNet or the NY Times. If you're reading something moderately left-leaning, find something moderately-right leaning. Don't go from moderate on one side of the aisle to extreme on the other, there are numerous references to help you choose accordingly. (here's one: https://www.businessinsider.com/mos...-in-america-cnn-fox-nytimes-2018-8#7-vox-12-7)
Do this for one week, and report back with how it did, or did not, change your perspective on the news you consume.
If you want to avoid this thread getting shut down, please keep your comments on the reporting, not the specific subjects of the reporting. Most here can engage in these types of discussions without enormous problem, but there are always a few (usually always the same few), who take things too far and get things shut down. Hopefully we can avoid that, or at least keep it to some moderate thread-pruning by the mod's.
I can post my own comments later, having already done this exercise continuously more than a year now, and intermittently for several years prior. In the meantime, click the "Watch" button at the top right now, to come back in a week when your assignment is complete!
What all of these threads highlight is that we cannot even agree on the facts. If you can't agree on the facts, it's impossible to debate or argue our various interpretations of them. With biased media falsely billed as "News" on both sides, both spewing out half-truths and distortions, one really has to do their own research to even begin to offer a sane perspective in any such argument.
Here's the challenge, folks. I encourage you to take it:
Find a "news" source that is as opposite to your preferred consumption, within the same media type, as possible. Continue watching your CNN, but now split your time equally with Fox or OAN, or vice versa. Keep reading your Epoch Times, but add AlterNet or the NY Times. If you're reading something moderately left-leaning, find something moderately-right leaning. Don't go from moderate on one side of the aisle to extreme on the other, there are numerous references to help you choose accordingly. (here's one: https://www.businessinsider.com/mos...-in-america-cnn-fox-nytimes-2018-8#7-vox-12-7)
Do this for one week, and report back with how it did, or did not, change your perspective on the news you consume.
If you want to avoid this thread getting shut down, please keep your comments on the reporting, not the specific subjects of the reporting. Most here can engage in these types of discussions without enormous problem, but there are always a few (usually always the same few), who take things too far and get things shut down. Hopefully we can avoid that, or at least keep it to some moderate thread-pruning by the mod's.
I can post my own comments later, having already done this exercise continuously more than a year now, and intermittently for several years prior. In the meantime, click the "Watch" button at the top right now, to come back in a week when your assignment is complete!