So, the smoke thing happened again but we were prepared this time. When we pulled the ashpan, there were a lot of unburnt pellets as well as some which were partially burned and smoking. For some reason, the stove is auto-cleaning and then turning off instead of keeping the fan on to blow out the extra smoke, so the smoke from the pan leaks into the house. We called the techies at Quad and they told us if the pellets are really ashy (which they are - weren't last year as we used some of the same) to clean it more often (which we're doing) and change the setting to utility pellets. It will dump the ash more often so it doesn't get clogged up. Then they also suggested we get a tech out here because there may be a problem with a fan motor (which I don't think there is because when its burning, it works fine) or the thermocouple needs to be replaced. Just need to figure out why its dumping when it shouldn't and why the fan doesn't stay on to clear the residual smoke.