I've got a USSC 8500 pellet burner and it's been doing good and efficient after I have received tons of advice from a previous thread I started back in the other month and words or type couldn't express the amount of thanks for the help. All you all are incredibly helpful. Thank you. The pellet stove is doing good but there's been some overflow in the burn pot. I feel I got the draft fans set good(C6 at 20 and C7 at 110) where the door temps get about 250-300 on HR1 and about 625 on HR4 and exhaust is usually in 100deg (HR1) - 240deg(HR4) range with HR1 at 1.5pph and HR5 at 5pph. I've been starting to notice here lately the draft fan light'll flash for a second or to and than again it may not and according to the manual it does that to indicate a negative air pressure situation so adding a Fresh Air Kit is something I've been meaning to do just haven't done yet. I've got a good place(unused chimney flue) that's only about 8 feet or so away from stove where I can draw the air from and was looking into the USSC69FAK. Has anyone on here installed one of these kits on there's or someone else's 8500? let me know. Thanks