The other night as I was sitting in the porcelain throne, my wife walks down the steps and yells..”what smells hot??” I was going to make a joke but I avoided the opportunity and told her to look around. She Hollared back and said it was the stove and it smelled like gas..
Upon leaving the bathroom in a hurry, I was able to smell the gas undoubtably. When I approached the stove and sat In front of it to shut off the pilot light, the air blowing over the back of the stove was enough to make my eyes water. Assuming sulfur? It was about then the co2 monitors Alarmed me.
My assumption is something has to be cracked ? Anyone run Into this yet? The radiance is from like 95ish if that’s of any useful info..
Upon leaving the bathroom in a hurry, I was able to smell the gas undoubtably. When I approached the stove and sat In front of it to shut off the pilot light, the air blowing over the back of the stove was enough to make my eyes water. Assuming sulfur? It was about then the co2 monitors Alarmed me.
My assumption is something has to be cracked ? Anyone run Into this yet? The radiance is from like 95ish if that’s of any useful info..