I have been thinking of going with a hybrid system if my w/a hx-furnace combo doesn't put out enough heat. Trouble is my current forced air furnace does not put out a lot of cfms. It maxes out at 1320 cfms at 0.3 static pressure. This is an average static pressure off the furnace's fan data chart. Dont know what mine is in reality. The highest it might be is 1420 cfms, the lowest 1180 cfms off the same chart at various static pressures from 0.1 to 0.6, Lately I've been thinking if I installed radiant panels in some of the rooms, and closed those room's registers, the heat load the w/a hx had to produce would be reduced enough not to have to pull the existing funace out and put in a new blower.
If I am luckier, and get the superlative results Trevor's gotten, I will get enough heat through the hx so that that won't be necessay. 3000+ square feet is a lot of space to heat with 10 ft. ceilings. We shall see. I can run a lot of gpms through the hx to compensate for the lower cfms, but this I would think would deplete my storage too rapidly. Nationwide Coils figured at the low end, approaching 140-150 degrees water temp and 12 gpm, I'd be getting 80,000 btus. Delta T is 18 degrees. Fluid pressure drop is listed as 14.2, but I don't know what this means. If you could explain that Jebatty I appreciate it. I don't recall the high end output with 180 degrees water but it might have been somewhere between 135-145,000 btus. I'm hoping to run considerably less than 12 gpms and may come out all right.
My several heat loss calculations clustered around the 80,000 btu mark with one as high as 102,000 btus, which is what I designed for to be safe. My current furnace puts out 71,000 btu's and we're always chilly. However it does cycle on and off for unknown reasons, whereas air through the hx can be run constantly. Got a Grundfos SuperBrute 15-58 3-speed pump to push the water through so I wll have at least three speeds to play around with to get the flow right. I did get one inch inlets and outlets on my hx, but now wish I'd gone with the 1.25 as Trevor did. Missed a beat on that one. If anyone has any idea if my hx setup is workable please chime in. You might alleviate or increase my worries on this score until I actually get it in and operating. Good luck with yours MNBobcat.