ewd is correct. An example might help. Assume a boiler rated at 170,000 btuH, the boiler is equipped with a loading unit and the specs on the loading unit state maximum flow rate is 12.3 gpm. Assume boiler output at 170,000 btuH. At delta-T = 30, maximum btu's that the loading unit will move are 12.3 x 500 x 30 = 184,500, and the entire boiler output will be moved to load/storage/both. But at delta-T = 20, the loading unit will move only 123,000 btuH, and if the boiler output is greater than that, the boiler will cycle through idling periods until the load/storage/both catch up.
This may not be a problem in a load to storage only situation if the wood load is burning down as delta-T (boiler output temp - bottom of tank return temp) falls below 30F because boiler output also will be falling. To avoid idling periods you will not want to put a full wood load in your boiler as storage begins to top off. Also, a boiler rated at 170,000 btuH output will not output at that rate continuously. The rating more likely is a peak rating which will gradually fall as the boiler moves beyond high burn.
Another complication. Even though the loading unit is rated at 12.3 gpm maximum, that gpm rating is based on a particular system pump head. If system pump head is higher, then flow rate will be less. You will want to calculate pump head between the boiler and load/storage and determine as best you can the actual flow rate based on the pump curve for the circulator.
And another complication and this can get difficult to understand and apply. Your system design incorporates circulators in series and parallel with the boiler circulator. Two identical circulators in series will move the same volume of water at double the pump head at each point on the pump curve for the single circulator. In other words, if the pump curve show 8 gpm at 5 feet of head, two identical series circulators will move 8 gpm at 10 feet of pump head. Series circulators can overcome high pump head situations, and often two small circulators will take less electricity than one large circulator.
Also, two identical circulators in parallel will move double the flow at each point on the pump curve for the single circulator. If the pump curve show 8 gpm at 5 feet of head, two identical series circulators will move 16 gpm at 5 feet of pump head.This does not mean that flow will double in a particular system, because as flow goes up, so does pump head by about an exponent of 1.7 of the increase in flow (or by the square to do a quick calcuation), so you will have to determine actual flow based on increased pump head and the pump curve.
And when non-identical circulators are involved, the calculation is beyond my current knowledge.
I guess the main point is that a plumbing schematic is just that, and until pump head also is moved into the schematic and calculations, you really don't know very well what the outcome of the schematic will be when applied to the installed system. I know this only too well, as I have gone through 3 re-plumbings of my system to finally get it about right. I think that a pump head calculation and sizing of piping and circulators to meet the intended load are essential to make sure a system will actually perform to meet the desired need.