still brainstorming( no peanut gallery comments please) on this idea of using ss wire mesh for door screening. But the u channels pcs so expensive. now the door its self is painted white steel. Mesh will be prob ss mesh. so other than using a rubber gasket between the two surfaces... what materials to use for a U" channel ? alum is cheaper than ss as a u channel.. Plastic will crack and deteriorate in unshaded area. The present temp glass panels we took out for now for door to be painted.
another mistake. cause found out powder coat is better than reg type Rustoleum spray paint.
I didnt try real hard to find a body shop in this one horse town. the five or so body shops, I called too busy to fool with. painting my used STEEL black door white. so had it done by a local guy prob used reg Rust type paint.... I wanted Hubby to buy an automotive type paint while he was in the City ...
any of yall great knowlegeable kind , patient folks got more ideas.? thanks all
another mistake. cause found out powder coat is better than reg type Rustoleum spray paint.
I didnt try real hard to find a body shop in this one horse town. the five or so body shops, I called too busy to fool with. painting my used STEEL black door white. so had it done by a local guy prob used reg Rust type paint.... I wanted Hubby to buy an automotive type paint while he was in the City ...
any of yall great knowlegeable kind , patient folks got more ideas.? thanks all