Sorry for the aside...
Getting more to the gist of the video, which is that 'Gollem-class' AIs will remake or break our social system is much the same way that social media and bots did.... um, yeah, sure.
The speakers have spent years unpacking what social media and smartphones have done to society (for good and ill) and are sounding the alarm that this time it will be the same thing, only much worse, and in ways that we can't imagine!! Scary!
They talk a good game giving us a fresh survey of the wonder and horrors that Gollem's represent. And speculate that the ability of expanded deepfakery to 'break reality' completely (versus it only being dented now). And suggesting that this will make democracy impossible. I find this all a bit tenuous and alarmist to be honest.
They say that we will have to write new laws, and we don't have a history of writing laws 'fast enough' to prevent 'entanglement' with society. I agree with the first part, and am not so worried about the second part.
Technology IS society. Society IS technology. (This is in fact the central point of Marxism.)
New tech is going to 'entangle' with society. That what society does. Old ways of doing things will go away, and many people will be harmed by that. New ways of doing things will be developed, and eventually, painfully and too late, be regulated by new laws.
What do I worry about? Yeah, new AI scams are scary. We will all need to do better with out authentication and biometrics on our private and financial data. Older people will still get scammed, as they
are already on a huge scale. But that is ALSO largely a technological problem.
Breaking reality? What about Sherlock's creator Conan Doyle being fooled by a couple of schoolgirls who doctored photos of fairies in their garden?
That happened. Doctored photos 'break reality', and have for over a century. The legal system worked BEFORE we had documentary evidence or fingerprinting or video cameras on every corner. It will still work when video and voice evidence is widely disregarded in an AI future.
And while the speakers make a big deal about how they are NOT talking about the perils of the 'AGI apocalypse', they lean hard into fear mongering about exactly that. Their scare quote about human extinction is NOT about chatbots, it is about a future AGI! They are implicitly scare-mongering about AGIs, and then redirecting the fear onto their pet issue... Gollem's harming society... in ways that are nebulously described with an evocative cartoon. Really? Not very logical.
I know, what if a Gollem invents the worlds funniest joke? And then we all literally die laughing! Scary.
Their examples about 'emergent' behavior is partially legitimate, since it goes to their thesis of unknown dangers, but it also supports the AGI fear-mongering at the same time, bc they are implying that (somehow) AGI could emerge spontaneously at any time!
Stepping back, while I do believe that AGIs will be invented, and could be dangerous in the long term, I don't think their appearance will result in the instant apocalypse of the human race (per the Terminator movies and many others).
I have often mused how we would KNOW that an AGI has been built (or emerged). Would Google or MicroSoft issue a press release? Like they do for chatbots, but saying 'this time its a real boy'?
Rather, I think that we will know AGIs by their actions they take in the world. The digital world will have not only humans and their primitive bots running around doing what humans do, but there will ALSO be some other actors doing things that humans don't know how to do (like hacking things our best hackers can't hack) or spoofing celebrities or politicians or stealing large sums of money or pulling elaborate 'pranks' for attention.
What will the transition from our current world to that future world (with an internet containing aliens/monsters/friendly wildlife) look like? It will probably be really scary and the process will be shocking even if it is not harmful. The first AGIs will be like a 'first contact' with an alien civilization, but one that has tech that is only slightly better than ours (bc it is built by extrapolating human science and tech). So the video speakers are right to use the 'first contact' metaphor for how transformative the dawn of AGIs will be, but misplace it onto their bugaboos, social media and 'Gollems'
The human hive mind is old, and has had many mind viruses, delusions, shocks and disruptions before the first computer was booted up. These include political and religious delusions (I don't want to offend people), that have led to many genocides over the last 500 years. The science of how to manipulate the human hive mind (marketing) also became highly refined decades ago, and we are all still coping with bad actors using that to cover up their corruption, pollution and lies, leaving us less healthy, less wealthy and less wise.
Social media and Gollems are just more tools. A credulous society (as ours) will further fall victim (as it already has) to these new tools being wielded for marketing and political purposes. We can only hope that a skeptical and logical citizenry will discount the new bigger BS firehose the way it currently often tunes out the current BS firehose.
I for one, rather than assuming that the Gollems will make some super-QAnon or DeepPersuasion or a scam that would fool Einstein, I like to think that our experience with social media was a vaccination. That we as an online population have developed some 'herd immunity' for digital BS, that might make us more resistant to the real Gollems currently being unleashed. Is a kid who plays with a tiktok filter really going to believe video evidence in the same way a 60 year old will? I doubt it.
Or at least that is what I tell myself.