I was given the afore mentioned pellet stove from my father in law. He said the last time he used it, or tried to use it, it filled his house with smoke. I know for fact that all he ever did was empty the ash pan, he never cleaned it. I spent over an hour with a shop vac cleaning all soot and ash I could find. I did not remove the brick boards behind the burn pot, is this necessary? When I took the back cover off, I found a few partially burned pellets, burned wiring, and what I believe to be a burned limit switch. It was dangling close to the bottom centered across the back. From what I have read on the net, there are three limit switches on this particular model? Can anyone tell me where they are mounted and which one I discovered burned that will need to be replaced? The local dealer hasn't been very helpful at all. They did suggest crossing the wires and firing it up to verify it works. I did this and all is well. The only other thing I noticed is the blower surges, speeds up then slows down, and is relative to which setting I put it on 1-5. From what I understand, Whitfield Advantage WP2 is a quality make/model. I am looking forward to getting it in my basement and firing it up before the real cold hits.
Thanks for any thoughts, comments or suggestions.
I was given the afore mentioned pellet stove from my father in law. He said the last time he used it, or tried to use it, it filled his house with smoke. I know for fact that all he ever did was empty the ash pan, he never cleaned it. I spent over an hour with a shop vac cleaning all soot and ash I could find. I did not remove the brick boards behind the burn pot, is this necessary? When I took the back cover off, I found a few partially burned pellets, burned wiring, and what I believe to be a burned limit switch. It was dangling close to the bottom centered across the back. From what I have read on the net, there are three limit switches on this particular model? Can anyone tell me where they are mounted and which one I discovered burned that will need to be replaced? The local dealer hasn't been very helpful at all. They did suggest crossing the wires and firing it up to verify it works. I did this and all is well. The only other thing I noticed is the blower surges, speeds up then slows down, and is relative to which setting I put it on 1-5. From what I understand, Whitfield Advantage WP2 is a quality make/model. I am looking forward to getting it in my basement and firing it up before the real cold hits.
Thanks for any thoughts, comments or suggestions.