Wood Burner Identification

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New Member
Jan 16, 2013
Is anyone able to identify the make of this wood burner please.


  • [Hearth.com] Wood Burner Identification
    101.6 KB · Views: 340
Dunno, but it looks interesting. I'm curious to see the inside too. Looks like it might need firebrick. Is there a baffle at the top?

Is there an identifying plate on the back?
Thanks begreen for your reply. I now realise I posted this in the pre 1988 section by mistake. There are no identification plates and it does need some fire bricks, there is a baffle and damper on the outlet. I did some googling yesterday and I think it is a BD & Co stove, although there are a lot of makers using similar features. It is well made with riddling grate, set of optional solid doors and a spark guard.
Riddling grate? If so, this sounds like a coal stove though it doesn't look like one. It does resemble the Viceroy multi-fuel stove, now that you mention it.

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