It is good to see that WoodMaster put some brain power into a "different" concept
I played around with catalytic designs myself for about 5 years.
My biggest concern is the longevity of the catalytic combustor.
If it is a ceramic type I don't see it to last more then 1 season, if at all, because it will see big temp swings, unless you use the torch all the time
If it is a metal type then the risk is that it will clog up very fast (finer mesh) because there is no automatic bypass for colder wood gas.
Also, I could not see any cleaning mechanism for the firetubes - you need them, plain and simple!
The cost savings on the water treatment will now go towards the catalytic combustor(s)
Wet wood, green wood or wood with a MC of >20% is the biggest enemy for catalytic combustors
For this unit to burn hot you need to integrate thermal water storage somewhere.
Smoldering will have a negative effect on the catalytic combuster
After all, with a couple improvements, this may well be a good concept.
The outdoor aspect will always be very appealing to many users