Hats off to Englander

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Hearth Supporter
Sep 24, 2008
Western PA
We broke the glass in our stove and had the new piece with 5 days. No hassle, no problems from the folks at Englander. Changing out the glass took 20 minutes. Man did I miss the stove though when it was down. Blazing away nicely again. Guess I'll pour one more beer and go enjoy the flames.
why did the glass break?

The draft sucked it out of the door. :coolsmirk:
Saddly that should be the norm and not the exception. Good for england, goes to show you can get great service from a less expensive line. You gotta wonder how the expensive guys don't have it in budget to take care of issues???
Well I wish it was the glass. I had cut a piece of pallet just a hair long. My wife, (yes it was my wife's fault), told me, and I quote, "I thought the wood was just pushing on the metal, so I just kept pushing and pushing and the whole thing just cracked." Lesson learned. Shorter wood and less pushing. Since then, we treat the glass, well, like glass.
One of those AHA moments to be sure.
Woodsmoke said:
Well I wish it was the glass. I had cut a piece of pallet just a hair long. My wife, (yes it was my wife's fault), told me, and I quote, "I thought the wood was just pushing on the metal, so I just kept pushing and pushing and the whole thing just cracked." Lesson learned. Shorter wood and less pushing. Since then, we treat the glass, well, like glass.

Now tell the truth by saying your "wife" this wouldn't be liking telling a story about a "friend" when in fact the wife or friend is really you, right? ;) :)

Actually, don't be too hard on her since a) at least she's trying and is willing to stoke the fire and b) all of us have done some brain-dead thing at some point in our life and some of us (yes me) continue to do the same brain-dead things over and over and over again . . . eventually learning on the 4th, 5th or 56th time. :)
My glass broke due to basically the exact same thing; I was trying to close it with a log sticking out a bit too far. I pushed, thinking the latch was what was pressing on a log and would push the log back and successfully close the door.

If my wife asks, a log rolled off the top of the pile in the firebox and hit it. :) I still pay for that one, as now I often hear "Aren't you stacking that a little high? what if the log rolls again?", and I can't say "Leave me alone, the log can't roll and break the glass", though I think that every time I hear it now!
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