Hello all! I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing through the site, researching my upcoming woodstove purchase. I have decided on the 13-nc. First of all, it seems that everywhere I have looked, the reviews are always positive. Secondly, it is mobile-home approved(with an outside air intake of course). My mobile home is about 1200 sq. ft so I think this should be adequate to cut into the ridiculously high price of propane for the furnace.
My question is about installing a slightly raised hearth in the corner of my living room. Due to space limitations in my living room layout, I opted for a corner hearth. Does installing cementboard and porcelain tile on the walls behind the stove reduce required clearances? I am looking for the smallest possible corner hearth size, while still maintaining required clearances. Any thoughts or info would be greatly appreciated.
My question is about installing a slightly raised hearth in the corner of my living room. Due to space limitations in my living room layout, I opted for a corner hearth. Does installing cementboard and porcelain tile on the walls behind the stove reduce required clearances? I am looking for the smallest possible corner hearth size, while still maintaining required clearances. Any thoughts or info would be greatly appreciated.