I have had a Intertek 1600C-1 free standing stove for 12 years. In recent years the draft has declined and is sometimes (in calm winds) hard to start. I thought maybe the trees around the house were growing up and creating wind downdrafts or some other condition around the chimney that prevents good draft. I scrubb the chimney on odd years. Once the fire is established, the air throttle control does work- to a degree. But at startup-by opening the ash bin door a tiny crack- boom- the fire starts right up as fresh air enters the combustion chamber. Has any anyone heard that the air throttle openings on the 1600C-1 are simply not large enough and work ok when draft is perfect but are insufficient under anything except perfect draft. Has the throttle plate on the 1600C-1 ever been a question before? Have any recalls been published on the 1600C?