A few weeks ago I came across a downed red oak tree in the woods behind my house, so I have incrementally cut it up and hauled logs back to my woodshed to split up. A few logs into the splitting process I came across what looked like dead carpenter ants all up inside the wood. They slid out and I continued to stack, but was wondering "Is that them in hibernation or are they dead?" (I also assumed that they're either the reason for the downed tree or they took advantage of it being down in their own way, just like I was).
Well a few days ago I was back at it, splitting these logs when my question about hibernating vs. dead ants were answered. After splitting a log an entire colony of very much alive ants came pouring out, some of them with wings on! I went on a carpenter ant squashing spree with my boots and maul, and I got all of them, especially the one that looked like the queen. It was a gross way to learn!
Well a few days ago I was back at it, splitting these logs when my question about hibernating vs. dead ants were answered. After splitting a log an entire colony of very much alive ants came pouring out, some of them with wings on! I went on a carpenter ant squashing spree with my boots and maul, and I got all of them, especially the one that looked like the queen. It was a gross way to learn!