I am so frustrated. All I seem to be doing is burning paper.......we let the woodstove burn out because the weather has been warm. Getting a little cold in here. Wanted hubbie to come home to a warm fire. For the past hour I have been just burning paper
!! 2 inches of ash in the bottom at least. Damper open, air vent open. 3 big dry logs, little pieces stuck in, newspaers all just won't catch. I am about ready to burn the owner's manuel. Any quick tips to get the home fire buning? Strickly wood stove speaking please you dirty minds
You can take the night off and try again another night....its quite warm up here in the North East tonight, so that doesn't help you out with draft.
I may catch some flack from some of the pro's for suggesting this, but here goes anyway.
Buy yourself a case of the small fire starter logs....not the large ones that look like actual logs, but these are small..perhaps about 2"X5" and you can get a case for about $10 or so at Walmart/other home stores.
Anyway, you don't need to use a whole one...I usually use about a third of one....and I find it much better than newspaper for a few reasons.
First, we dont get the paper, and when I do have/use newspaper the newspaper burns to quick with smoke, and the flame is out within a minute or so.
Take the 1/3rd of the fire starter log/brick, and place a few small pieces of kindling over it. The starter log wil burn for about 10-15 minutes, and usually this is good enough to get your small splits going. I think the other posters were right that you need much smaller splits...and I can attest that my wife ran into the same situation you did..but I still love her dearly for trying to get the house warm and toasty for when I came home from work. (I also smoked up the house when first burning, so its just a learning curve for us will get it and be a pro in no time)
Also, I am not sure if you have access to kindlin at al, but I found a great tip in my own yard. I have a ton of pine trees, and my house borders a forest. All those little dead limbs on the lower section of the pine trees snap right off and make great kindlng. Once you have the kidling going you can put on your larger logs.
Good luck, and let us know how you make out.