Affordable and greener ethanol is a step closer

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Staff member
Hearth Supporter
Nov 18, 2005
South Puget Sound, WA
Wired has an article on a developing method of producing ethanol from just about any organic waste. So far the results are promising. If it scales up and they can deliver similar results from the pilot plant, this technology could be in production sooner than later.

(broken link removed)
hydrogen is really the answer to the fuel dilemma. Ethenol is great and fairly easy to make store and use but hydrogen, when they finally figure out how to store it is much better. I suspect they will perfect methonol first and then go on to bigger and better things like hydrogen.
A local grape juice plant and a couple of scientists have discovered by adding a certain bacteria to grape pulp produces hydrogen and they are generating electric on a small scale. Plans are within a year to power entire facility and thousands of homes.
Agreed that hydrogen is clearly the cleaner fuel. But in the interim I think it's going to take a multifaceted approach. Although I'm not at all a proponent for corn derived ethanol, cellulosic ethanol from bacteria is promising as an interim technology using current infrastructure.
Forced geothermal for electrical generation is another possible good source of clean power. Doesn't seem to get any press like solar or wind, but is also very clean and offers 24/7 generating capabilities that solar/wind cannot.

And if electric plug in hybrids or pure electric cars are to become popular then power companies low demand hours will be eliminated or nearly so. So we need more clean generating options.

There are really quite a few good options, many just need a bit of help getting up and running to displace "King Oil & Coal".
mikeyny said:
hydrogen is really the answer to the fuel dilemma. Ethenol is great and fairly easy to make store and use but hydrogen, when they finally figure out how to store it is much better. I suspect they will perfect methonol first and then go on to bigger and better things like hydrogen.
Hydrogen is a clean fuel but it is not an energy source like biofuels can be. Hydrogen takes more energy to manufacture than can be recovered from it. It is more like electricity in than it is a means of transporting energy. Ethanol can be produced with a gain in energy. And if you can use waste products to produce the ethanol even better.
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