Hey all: I have st. croix, 7 years old. just cleaned it yesterday and did the leaf blower trick on it. I have an oak on it also. After burning all night why does my glass start to get black already? It has always done this but just wondering if this is normal. My damper is wide open. I know store and everyone says it needs only to be open very little, but mine has always been mostly wide open. The flame seems good with it wide open, if I close it some, everything is blacker sootier. Am I right, fire needs air to burn, more the better? And any suggestions on what needs cleaned better with the black on glass in these 2 corners. Within the last 2 years have replaced the combustion fan and blower fan. I have read that some of you clean the glass every day!! How do you do that ?
Do you do it with the stove running? I never clean it till i do my weekly shutdown cleaning. Thanks for imput. It is on #4 setting
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Do you do it with the stove running? I never clean it till i do my weekly shutdown cleaning. Thanks for imput. It is on #4 setting
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