I've been searching without much luck on this topic. Can anyone give the advantages and disadvantages of an aluminum storage tank? I've been offered a 1000 gallon aluminum tank from a friend, free. Any issues with aluminum concerning galvanic corrosion, etc? My system will end up as an non-pressurized system at this point. But this project is lagging on for me after 3 years, so could change, like everything...
FWIW, I don't post much, and lurk a lot here, and appreciate all the good wisdom. Trying to pay it back, I finally posted some follow up photos on our spray foam and burial of lines on an old thread - You can see them here if it helps anyone else doing the spray and bury routine:
FWIW, I don't post much, and lurk a lot here, and appreciate all the good wisdom. Trying to pay it back, I finally posted some follow up photos on our spray foam and burial of lines on an old thread - You can see them here if it helps anyone else doing the spray and bury routine: