A friend of mine has an indoor wood boiler but no storage. He wants to use it more often. I was looking over Craigslist and there was an oddly posted ad for a 700 gallon Solar Hot Water tank. I looked at the picture and it was American Solar Technics rectangular thermal storage tank. I sent him a link and he ended up buying it for $150. It's got 2 of the newer style corrugated Stainless Steel Coils and an extra 1" of foam board on the interior inside the 4.5" thick walls. He had to take it out of a small basement but I prepped him in advance, so it took 4 hours. If he didnt grab it, I would have driven down there and grabbed it. It was used in a solar hot water application, so it was run at a lower temp than a boiler (which is the reason the original owner was getting rid of it). All for the sum of $150. Craigslist may be a PITA to search and scammers do haunt it, but my experience is with the unusual stuff, its usually a legit deal. I expect the same applies to Facebook Marketplace but I do not facebook.
There was another cylindrical thermal storage tank for sale in CT for $1,500. They called it an AST but I have never seen a cylindrical version.
There was another cylindrical thermal storage tank for sale in CT for $1,500. They called it an AST but I have never seen a cylindrical version.
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