Need some help here. I read through most of the new to burning threads, but can't seem to find an answer to my question/maybe problem. I get the fire started and up to temp then start cutting back air everything seems to be going fairly well. Then when I get a little past half closed on the air control i lose my flames on the out side of the firebox, and have 5 or 6 flames shooting up the middle where the air is coming in, is this normal or how can I fix this problem. The wood I have is mixed hardwoods outside moisture readingis around 14% or so and the inside moisture seems to very by piece anywhere from the 14% up to the highest I found at 22%. The fire burns great win the center but all the logs not in the air flow basically turn black with no flame then when I go to reload 6 or so hours they just fall apart and are coals. Just want to make sure I am not screwing anything up. Thank you.