Getting ready to install Simpson Duravent liner system using the Extend-a-cap kit. The Duravent is a double walled insulated liner that I ordered ovalized. I have 10' of that & 5' of the flex with insulation. I'm guessing the total weight is about 75 lbs.
What I am wondering about is my clay liner is a few inches higher than the brick with mortar cap. I was originally planning on bending the base plate to fit around the clay. Then I made the mistake of starting to think about it. All the weight will be point loaded on the four support points. Will I have a problem with the clay liner cracking? Should I get my grinder & cut the liner down or build up the chimney around the liner?
What I am wondering about is my clay liner is a few inches higher than the brick with mortar cap. I was originally planning on bending the base plate to fit around the clay. Then I made the mistake of starting to think about it. All the weight will be point loaded on the four support points. Will I have a problem with the clay liner cracking? Should I get my grinder & cut the liner down or build up the chimney around the liner?