We put in an Avalon Pendleton insert last spring, and I'm wondering if there are any special tips or hints for stoves with very small fireboxes (ours is 1.3 cf). In particular, any advice on how best to load it and manage the air for optimal burning. I'm getting fairly short burn times (1-2 hours) out of each load, which seems shorter than usual based on what I've read, but am not sure whether that's just the nature of a small firebox or whether there is room for improvement with better techniques.
We are burning to supplement central gas heat, and generally just light a fire in the evening(5-6pm) and stop loading it around 10 when we go to bed. The stove puts out plenty of heat for the room we spend our time in, but I just want to make sure I'm using the stove efficiently. I'm going through wood faster than I had expected (started burning in November and am through half a cord already) but have no real point of reference to know whether that's a lot or a little. Any advice would be appreciated.
We are burning to supplement central gas heat, and generally just light a fire in the evening(5-6pm) and stop loading it around 10 when we go to bed. The stove puts out plenty of heat for the room we spend our time in, but I just want to make sure I'm using the stove efficiently. I'm going through wood faster than I had expected (started burning in November and am through half a cord already) but have no real point of reference to know whether that's a lot or a little. Any advice would be appreciated.