Anyone have the new Prius?

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Oct 7, 2008
Lackawaxen PA
I have a 2006 gen 2. At 200K and done nothing other than oil changes. Thinking it was time for a little sports car, but It's hard to ignore the fact that the Prius has been the best transportation car I've every owned. I haven't been to the dealers yet to see one.

Anyone get one yet? what do you think?
Looks like they have made some good suspension changes and de-geeked the cockpit a bit. Seat comfort will also be much better than the 2006.
I have a 2010 Gen3 and love it.....there are a few improvements I like in the Gen4, but not fussy for the new the time I need to replace mine I'll be looking at a Gen 5!!
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