nofossil said:
Now you sound like my wife . . . she thinks I'm crazy because I refuse to stop 'getting wood' until the snow is too deep . . . of course, the OTHER reason she thinks I'm crazy [and this is where YOU come in, nofoss]
is that I want
dataloggers on my outdoor GreenWood for combustion temp, watertemp, damper door state, load door state
I want all this data (along with dataloggers to replace the existing 6 zone thermostats throughout the house, and dataloggers on both sides of the HX to replace the ridiculous strap-on aquastat) to be accessible live on my pda and/or cell phone so I can KNOW exactly when to reload, and can control flow remotly as the need arrises. And all this data should be graphed real-time.
I thought I was crazy until I realized yer already doin' it Dude . . . .How, how how???