Thanks for the advice. It is top covered very well, and about half of it was standing dead before I cut it up. It gets maybe an hour of sun a day, but there is always a decent breeze. I don't need it for this year, I just want to burn it. The rest of my wood pile is Craigslist scrounges that have been "precut" into firewood lengths. So they are all 10"-24", and I was in such a hurry to get them stacked, some are not cut down small enough for my stove yet. The idea of burning oak, all 17.5" long in my 18" stove is heaven after a first, bitter cold, winter in which all of the wood was wet, and wildly different sized, so that loading the stove was a pain in the ass.
Also I have a limited amount of time this week to work on it, and I just had a lady off craigslist call me. She wants to get rid of all of her old firewood. It has been sitting a couple of years. She converted to natural gas. Also her neighbor converted and wants all her old firewood gone. The only downfall is no picture, and she has no idea how much she has. The good thing is she is only 20 minutes away.