There are a bunch of posts about blower bearings,you can use the search box.But,a quick rundown,you need 608 bearings,with metal side shields.The part number would be 608zz,although some manufacturers/countries do not always use the same designations,look at the pictures.I highly recommend finding Japan or German bearings,but,they also have some of their stuff made in china,but usually listed in the description.To go one step further,most bearings are rated by a ABEC 1 to 9 rating,which is tolerances.The 1 and lower numbers are generally used for cheaper skates/roller blades,lower quality.Ideally,5-7 are great bearings for these motors,but,again,not all countries use the ABEC system.Also,get more than 2.Sometimes you get a bad one,and,they are very easily damaged,even if dropped.However,on this motor,you can install bearings,slide in the rotor/shaft,and spin it,before putting it all the way back together.You can feel any roughness in your hand,holding motor,while spinning the rotor.A while back I got a bunch of NOS german bearings off the bay,high quality.