My wife woke me about 5 am today and said theres something wrong with the fire I can smell it. So I stumbled around and then smelled smoke and freaked out. I ran out side and checked the chimney no smoke also no wind and its pretty warm about 46. I went back inside just in time to see a ball of fire appear in the firebox along with smoke coming out of the door. Then it happened again I opened a window and opened the draft a little. The smell is pretty much gone and the stove hasnt done that again for about 45 minute. Im thinking it was back puffing cause its so warm out? When I reloaded at 1130 last night all was fine I checked the stove at 1215 set the air to 3/4-.5 and went to bed. Do ya'll think back puff or maybe something else? I'll take all advice given my wife is a little freaked out right now and I am too this has never happened before