Well all, After reading all about the Englander on this sight and the rave reviews that it has recieved over at HomeDepot.com, I placed my order tonight. After sweet-talking a very helpful young lady on the phone, I managed to get an extra 10% off of the Bristol, Va. price(was a pain, but def. worth the $65 I saved). Should see her here sometime before the 9th or 10th of May. Then comes the fun of getting the beastie up into the house from the curb. I think I'll be borrowing the appliance dolly from work
While I was able to search out most of what I wanted to find in my decision making, I'de like to thank all of the previous posters for their help in making my decision. Hopefully this fall I'll be reporting back with a glowing(pun intended..) review

While I was able to search out most of what I wanted to find in my decision making, I'de like to thank all of the previous posters for their help in making my decision. Hopefully this fall I'll be reporting back with a glowing(pun intended..) review
