Hello new to the forum… I was wondering if anyone who ownes one of these could show me how to hook up a thermostat up too it…
We just went and bought a new 1557 and I don’t have duct work yet we just are going to use it as is to heat up the basmnent and my garage and then later install duct work…
Should I install and damper in the stove pipe too??
My wall is block and i was wondering how far back i could set the stove…
I want to be able to turn the blowers on and off when I want too..
Also might I add we just had a Supa Flu Liner installed and it cost 4,200 dollars they told us to burn our Stove which was an old shenendoah at 525-550 for the first 15 mins or so then to burn between 220-300 degrees is that hot enough ...
Thank You ,
We just went and bought a new 1557 and I don’t have duct work yet we just are going to use it as is to heat up the basmnent and my garage and then later install duct work…
Should I install and damper in the stove pipe too??
My wall is block and i was wondering how far back i could set the stove…
I want to be able to turn the blowers on and off when I want too..
Also might I add we just had a Supa Flu Liner installed and it cost 4,200 dollars they told us to burn our Stove which was an old shenendoah at 525-550 for the first 15 mins or so then to burn between 220-300 degrees is that hot enough ...
Thank You ,