I just installed a Osburn 2400 insert and the experienced installer who helped me and who has done dozens of stove and insert installations with lots of happy customers, when asked about the need for a block off plate he said one was not needed. He cut out the damper and put roxul in that area blocking it off with the roxul. Also, he insulated the exposed part of the chimney from the roof up to the end of the flue tile putting the insulation between the flue tile and the stainless liner then putting a raincap screwed on top of the flue tile with epoxy around the fluetile also. Is a block off plate really needed in this case? I can’t see how heat retention or any other factor would be impacted with how it’s currently installed but I also am new to wood burning somewhat and don’t know. Thank you!
I live in Upstate NY and it does get cold here.
Here’s a thread with some pics of the insert going in. If I need a block off plate I’d rather put one in now before the insert is used for the first time in the coming months.
I live in Upstate NY and it does get cold here.
Here’s a thread with some pics of the insert going in. If I need a block off plate I’d rather put one in now before the insert is used for the first time in the coming months.