Greetings all, I've not been on this forum since last winter. I'm right on the precipice of buying a Husky 350i (Power Axe) - the sale price is down from $479 to $429 and they throw in an extra battery (now $300

). And, I like the chain speed, and I've had two gas Husky's for years and they've served me well. Does the chain really coast to a stop?? (I too hit the chain brake automatically when stepping away from cuts, but...). I thought the chain stopped when you release the trigger.
I did buy an Echo DCS-5000 this spring. Good saw, it was on sale at Home Depot for $299 with battery, charger and a second battery free. I really like the saw, light, pretty fast for the price, great batteries, don't push it and it cuts right through anything. I have had the chain come off a couple of times (??) and a recent pinch - really, it wasn't me

pinched one link beyond repair!
I'll buy the 350i today or tomorrow - interested in folks' thoughts on that saw now?